I'm answering this question because I want to know more about clove oil. Thus far, my only experience with clove oil is that it's good for supporting people in quitting smoking. My best friend used clove when she quit smoking. She would sniff it straight from the bottle whenever she wanted to smoke. Also, she applied it to the bottoms of her feet daily to support her body in detoxing.
My textbook (the Essential Oils Desk Reference or EODR) says that clove oil is good for:
- anti-aging
- cardiovascular disease
- hepatitis
- arthritis/rheumatism
- intestinal parasites/infections
- throat/sinus/lung infections
- cataracts
- ulcers
- lice
- toothache
- acne

It's fragrant influences include:
- mental stimulant
- encourages sleep
- stimulates dreams
- creates a sense of protection & courage
It also smells REALLY good. *giggle* It reminds me of winter and my grandmother. Mmmm... Just thinking about it makes me want to bake a ham.
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