I use Peace & Calming to support me in those crazy mommy moments like the one pictured here -----> Those moments when I want to put all of the children on a FedEx truck to their father or our friends in VA or TN. *chuckle*
I sniff it straight from the bottle in emergencies. Other times, I add it to my bath. A quick note on adding oils to the bath: Because oils are not water soluable, you must mix the oils with a salt (sea salt or epsom salt) or baking soda before adding it to the bath water. Dissolve the salt or baking soda under warm running water. Another method of application is to rub the oils on the bottom of my feet. I don't usually have that kind of composure, though.
The fragrant qualities of Peace & Calming promote relaxation, a deep sense of peace and emotional well-being. It is an excellent prelude to a good night's rest when rubbed into the bottom of the feet. Other uses for Peace & Calming include:
- reduces tension
- uplifting
- reducing depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia
- may calm overactive & hard-to-manage children