Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's THIEVES Season

In the realm of essential oils, Thieves is the germ fighter. It is a blend of several highly effective, immune boosting essential oils. Ask me how it got it's name. I LOVE telling that story. Now, though, is time for a different story.

A few weeks ago, we were all sneezing and coughing and having scratchy throats. Lucas, my 6 year old, doesn't have allergies. This didn't trigger anything in my brain, however. I simply assumed that a new environment meant that he was most likely experiencing allergies, too. Then, his aunt caught a cold. Then his grandmother caught a cold. Finally, we figured that Lucas had a cold and was sharing his germs.

Figuring that it was over, I went on about my life. Then, my throat became scratchy. I had post nasal drip, so I thought this was the reason for the scratchy throat. Their grandmother told me that her cold began with a sore throat. *SCREAM* I had not time for a cold. I already felt like warmed up death from the allergies (I cured those too but that's another post. ;)). Upon hearing this, I quickly grabbed my Thieves and made and consumed what we call a cough drop. An essential oil cough drop consists of 1-2 drops of essential oil in a teaspoon of honey.

I drank a cough drop every time my throat hurt. That first day, I probably drank 8 of them. Each day, I drank fewer and fewer of them until now, 5 days later, I'm drinking one in the morning as a precautionary measure to ensure that the virus is indeed dead. 

Skip the flu shot. Get Thieves

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