Sunday, July 8, 2012

If I Could Only Have One Oil...

If I had only one oil for the rest of my life, it would be lavender. Lavender is the universal oil. It's good for EVERYTHING. Here's a brief idea of it's uses:
  • burns - keep a bottle in your kitchen pantry or a cabinet far away from the stove
  • scrapes & cuts as a disinfectant
  • relaxation - everyone knows that
  • energy - yes it can energize you if you need it ;)
  • allergies
  • bug bites
  • high blood pressure
  • menstral problems (like cramps)/PMS
  • skin conditions such as perinial repair, acne, eczema, psoriasis, scarring, stretch marks)
  • hair loss
  • insomnia
  • nervous tension
The list could continue, honestly. The really cool thing about lavender is that it's a very mild oil and can be applied directly to the skin. Its an oil that can be used undiluted on EVERY skin type and people of all ages.

I LOVE my lavender!!!