Thursday, October 11, 2012

Feel Your Boobies!!!

According to, tomorrow (October 12, 2012) begins 'National Feel Your Boobies Week'. In addition to orange oil, be certain to do a monthly breast self exam. Choose a time every month, preferably at the same time of the month every month, where you will examine your breasts both with your eyes and with your hands. Write this time on your calendar as if it were any other important appointment and honor it. Click the link for instructions on how to do a breast self exam. 

Celebrate National Breast Health Awareness month by feeling your boobies and keep you healthy. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Breast Health Awareness Month!!!

All over the U.S., there are pink banners EVERYwhere right now. With all due respect to breast cancer survivors and the family of those who lives were released in the experience of breast cancer, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I tip my hats to breast cancer researchers everywhere. ;)

So, about that prevention... When it comes to essential oils, orange oil is the number one essential oil for breast health.

"Essential oils from the orange tree’s flowers, leaves, and rind have powerfully healing effects… remarkably anti-carcinogenic and anti-tumoral based on it’s high 85%-96% limonene chemistry, ORANGE essential oil has combated tumor growth in over 50 clinical studies." ~ Essential Oils for Physical Health & Well-Being by Linda L. Smith
So grab your bottle and slather your breasts down, Ladies. ;)